Wellcome Open Research

Videos 1-7 for Version 1 of 'A high-throughput 3D X-ray histology facility for biomedical research and preclinical applications'

Posted on 2023-08-25 - 15:32


  • Video 1 (A video going through the Z stack in single slices. This is a cross- sectional view of the XRH image stack along the XY plane. XRH datasets are normally oriented (resliced) in a way that a scroll through the stack along the XY plane emulates the physical histology slicing of the tissue).
  • Video 2 (A video going through the Y stack in single slices. This is a cross- sectional view of the XRH image stack along the XZ plane. XRH datasets are normally oriented (resliced) in a way that a scroll through the stack along the XY plane emulates the physical histology slicing of the tissue).
  • Video 3 (A video going through the X stack in single slices. This is a cross- sectional view of the XRH image stack along the YZ plane. XRH datasets are normally oriented (resliced) in a way that a scroll through the stack along the XY plane emulates the physical histology slicing of the tissue).
  • Video 4 (3D X-ray histology (XRH) is a µCT -based workflow tailored to fit seamlessly into current histology workflows in biomedical and pre-clinical research, as well as clinical histopathology. Microanatomical detail can be captured from standard (non-stained) formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue blocks).
  • Video 5 (Average Intensity Projection (AIP) of the sample through the Histologically relevant plane. This is a 2D visualisation rendering the Average Intensity of 20x single XY slices along the z-axis of the stack. XRH datasets are normally oriented (resliced) in a way that a scroll through the stack along the XY plane emulates the physical histology slicing of the tissue).
  • Video 6 (Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) of the sample through the Histologically relevant plane. This is a 2D visualisation rendering the Maximum Intensity of 20x single XY slices along the z-axis of the stack. XRH datasets are normally oriented (resliced) in a way that a scroll through the stack along the XY plane emulates the physical histology slicing of the tissue).
  • Video 7 (Standard deviation projection of the sample going through the histologically relevant plane. This is a 2D visualisation rendering the Standard Deviation of 20x single XY slices along the z- axis of the stack. XRH datasets are normally oriented (resliced) in a way that a scroll through the stack along the XY plane emulates the physical histology slicing of the tissue).

* Videos 5 –7 (Also referred to as "thick-slice rolls" - Thick-slice rolling is a 2D thick-slice viewing that allows rolling of a pre-selected number of slices (n) along the z-axis of the 3D data. A single thick-slice roll forwards is accomplished by translating the thick-slice by one single slice forwards; that is moving forward by one (+1) slice from the first and nth element and reapplying the criteria or operations to the new slice sub-stack).


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