Wellcome Open Research

Video files for Version 2 of 'Large CRISPR-Cas-induced deletions in the oxamniquine resistance locus of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni'

Posted on 2021-03-25 - 17:25
Video files for Wellcome Open Research article 'Large CRISPR-Cas-induced deletions in the oxamniquine resistance locus of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni '

Movie 1. Serial optical sections of a S. mansoni male adult worm transfected with fluorescently labelled Cas9-gRNA (ATTO™ 550 signal in red), fixed and DAPI-stained (DAPI signal in aqua blue). Scale bar: 100 µm.

Movie 2. Serial optical sections of a S. mansoni male adult worm transfected with fluorescently labelled Cas9-gRNA (ATTO™ 550 signal in red), fixed and DAPI-stained (DAPI signal in aqua blue). In these series of optical sections, the anterior end of the worm is observed. Scale bar: 100 µm.

Movie 3. Serial optical sections of a S. mansoni female adult worm transfected with fluorescently labelled Cas9-gRNA (ATTO™ 550 signal in red), fixed and DAPI-stained (DAPI signal in aqua blue). In these series of optical sections, the anterior end of the worm is observed. Scale bar: 100 µm.

Movie 4. Serial optical sections of a S. mansoni sporocyst transfected with fluorescently labelled Cas9-gRNA (ATTO™ 550 signal in red), fixed and DAPI-stained (DAPI signal in aqua blue). Scale bar: 25 µm.


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