Version 1 of data for: ultraLM and miniLM: Locator tools for smart tracking of fluorescent cells in correlative light and electron microscopy
Posted on 2016-12-13 - 12:33
Supplementary Movie S1. Serial sectioning in a microtome with ultraLM fluorescence imaging.
Supplementary Movie S2. Serial blockface fluorescence imaging in SBF-SEM with miniLM.
Supplementary Movie S3. Serial blockface scanning electron microscopy imaging with miniLM in-situ.
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Brama, Elisabeth; J. Peddie, Christopher; Wilkes, Gary; Gu, Yan; M. Collinson, Lucy; L. Jones, Martin (2016). Version 1 of data for: ultraLM and miniLM: Locator tools for smart tracking of fluorescent cells in correlative light and electron microscopy. Wellcome Open Research. Collection.